All evaluations include an initial phone interview, review of records, direct testing, test scoring and report writing. In addition, the following components are included in each evaluation.
Evaluations typically last approximately 1 hour of face to face time with the therapist and child. Additional information is gathered through parent questionnaires and then all information is considered to development an appropriate treatment plan for your child.
Comprehensive Speech & Language Evaluations​​
Our comprehensive speech and language evaluations examine how your child understands and uses written and spoken language. They consist of at least one standardized assessment of receptive and expressive language, plus additional testing in areas such as reading and writing, executive functioning, social language use, phonological processing, etc.​ as necessary.
Articulation & Phonology Evaluations​
Our ​articulation and phonology evaluations focus on the speech sounds your child makes only.
Our approach to feeding involves a disciplinary collaborative evaluation with our speech therapists and occupational therapists. The evaluation process consists of a review of documentation and relevant outside evaluations, examination of the oral and sensory components that ​may be impacting your child's eating by a qualified speech language pathologist, and consultation with an occupational therapist. Depending on the nature of deficits, a full occupational therapy evaluation may be scheduled following the initial appointment.
Occupational Therapy Evaluations
Occupational therapy evaluations consist of review of documentation and relevant previous evaluations, and a variety of standardized and informal tests and measures to develop an occupational profile.​​ Areas of assessment could include independence with activities of daily living, visual perceptual skills, visual motor integration, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, sensory processing, etc.